The WORD Christian Center



"...and the Lord ADDED to the church DAILY such as should be saved."  (Acts 2:47b)

What is Operation 365?
We are believing God for one person to be led to the Lord every day by a member of our congregation. Our goal is to lead at least 365 people to the Lord each year. We are trusting God for family members, friends, coworkers, and strangers to give thier lives to Jesus Christ through our personal witness and testimony.

Each One/Reach One
Every believer can help lead others to Jesus Christ by telling their story. Expect God to give you opportunities and divine appointments with those who are ready to be saved. When you pray with someone to rededicate their life or receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior we would like to know about it and rejoice and praise God with you. Please click the Button below and take a minute to share the good news.